Can Coconut Oil Treat Toenail Fungus? - A Comprehensive Guide

Coconut oil is one of the most popular natural remedies, and it can be a powerful weapon in the fight against foot fungus. The fatty acids in coconut oil act as natural fungicides, breaking down fungal membranes and eliminating the infection. To use coconut oil to treat toenail fungus, put on a pair of gloves and rub the oil onto the affected nail. According to experts, repeating this process twice a day is the most effective way to get rid of the fungus.

If you notice an increase in yellow-white color and thickening of the nail, which causes it to crumble or become deformed, it's best to seek professional help.

Oregano oil

contains an antibacterial ingredient called thymol, which is key to fighting toenail fungus. To disinfect and treat the infection, apply a few drops of oregano oil to a cotton ball or swab and gently apply it to the nails. As with oregano oil, coconut oil can be an effective cure for mild toenail fungus, but it generally cannot be used to treat serious cases. If you've contracted toenail fungus in its early stages, natural remedies like coconut oil may help get rid of it. Fortunately, there are several easy home remedies that can help you treat and prevent the onset of toenail fungus.

Make sure you buy virgin coconut oil for this purpose, as it works best. Although coconut oil is an effective cure for mild toenail fungus, it generally cannot be used to treat serious cases. If left untreated for a long time, it's highly unlikely that most home remedies will get rid of toenail fungus. Studies have found relative evidence that other natural treatments, such as vinegar, can cure toenail fungus over time. However, vinegar is strong and can burn cuts on the skin and has a drying effect.

If you've managed to detect toenail fungus in time, one of these treatments may work for you. Other than medications available only with a doctor's prescription, there's nothing that's been clinically tested or proven to work on toenail fungus. Coconut oil is amazing and has 101 practical uses aside from cooking and massaging, but sadly it's unlikely to cure toenail fungus completely. If there was an over-the-counter medication that actually worked for everyone, toenail fungus wouldn't be one of the most searched terms on the Internet. Toenail fungus occurs when an overabundance of fungus penetrates a crack in the nail or settles between the nail plate and the nail bed. Over-the-counter antifungals are highly effective in treating topical skin fungal infections, but there are no over-the-counter antifungals that have been shown to be effective specifically on toenail fungus. Since coconut oil is a natural antifungal agent, it can work wonders on yellowed nails caused by fungus.

Studies show that at least 8% of adults get toenail fungus every year, and traditional treatment for this condition can take an average of 12 months to clear up. Coconut oil is one of the most popular natural remedies for treating mild cases of fungal infections like athlete's foot and jock itch. It has antifungal properties that help break down fungal membranes and eliminate the infection. To use coconut oil for treating fungal infections on your feet or toes, put on a pair of gloves and rub the oil onto the affected area twice a day. Oregano oil is another natural remedy that can be used for treating fungal infections like athlete's foot and jock itch. It contains an antibacterial ingredient called thymol which helps fight off fungal infections.

To disinfect and treat the infection, apply a few drops of oregano oil onto a cotton ball or swab and gently apply it onto your feet or toes. Vinegar is another natural remedy that has been found effective in treating fungal infections like athlete's foot and jock itch. However, vinegar is strong and can burn cuts on the skin so make sure you dilute it with water before applying it onto your feet or toes. Although natural remedies like coconut oil and oregano oil may help get rid of mild cases of fungal infections like athlete's foot or jock itch, they generally cannot be used to treat serious cases. If left untreated for a long time, it's highly unlikely that most home remedies will get rid of these types of fungal infections. If you've managed to detect a fungal infection in its early stages, one of these treatments may work for you. Other than medications available only with a doctor's prescription, there's nothing that's been clinically tested or proven to work on these types of fungal infections.