Is chlorine good for toenail fungus?

It has been found that an effective way to treat fungal nail infection is to apply chlorine dioxide topically, so that it penetrates the nail plate and inactivates the pathogens that reside in the nail bed, for example, by dissolving chlorine dioxide gas in water, allowing the patient to soak the infected fungus. Chlorine is capable of killing substances such as bacteria, parasites and viruses. Although for one reason or another, it cannot kill skin and nail fungi. These types of fungi thrive mainly outside the pool and hot tub, but also in it. This is more common in public pools.

It is shared with many other hosts who may have the infection themselves. They transfer them to surfaces and water. The simple act of walking barefoot in the pool could help you retract nail fungus, athlete's foot, or even ringworm. So you probably now think that there's clearly nothing you can do to prevent this problem unless you avoid swimming pools and hot tubs altogether, but there are still ways to prevent this infection.

While you shouldn't use bleach to treat toenail fungus, you can use it to clean any object that comes in contact with infected areas, such as nail clippers, socks, and shoes. Your doctor can help you identify risks and determine if an antifungal medication (topical or oral) is safe and potentially effective in treating toenail fungus. Instead of trying to use bleach as a home remedy for toenail fungus, you should schedule a consultation with a podiatrist or dermatologist of nails for treatment.