What is the danger of not treating toenail fungus?

The problem of not treating toenail fungus goes beyond continuous discomfort and discoloration. If the fungus is allowed to continue to grow, it can penetrate the skin under the nail and ultimately infect the toe itself. From there, the infection can spread to other parts of the body. Toenail fungus that goes untreated in Roseburg, Oregon, can cause the nail itself to become thicker and misshapen.

Not only does this affect the appearance of the foot and nails, but it can also make it difficult to wear shoes comfortably or even walk without pain. In some cases, the toenail may separate from the nail bed, so it needs to be removed. This can cause more foot pain and difficulty walking if left untreated. Fortunately, toenail fungus doesn't usually cause more serious medical problems.

In general, I recommend healthy adult patients with mild toenail fungus not to treat them or to simply treat them with topical measures. For example, you can polish your nail with a file to keep it thin, so that the fungus has less room to live. You should also keep your nail cut. If you let your toenails grow long, more places will be created for the fungus to grow.

He or she can help you determine if treatment is necessary and, if so, what type of treatment will work best for your situation. While prevention strategies can help reduce the risk of contracting a fungal infection, because it is highly contagious, you can still get infected by touching an infected surface or by direct contact with someone who has toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is a problematic condition that can result in thick, unsightly toenails, discolored nails, and other potentially embarrassing conditions. Many people who have toenail fungus are tempted to hide their feet, skipping their sandals.

in summer and open shoes. Don't let toenail fungus go untreated. Call the Washington, DC office today at 202-968-3403 to take the first step toward healthier feet. Since toenail fungus isn't usually painful at first, having a yellowish or discolored toenail may seem like an insignificant cosmetic problem.

These fungal infections are more likely to occur on toenails than fingernails, because toenails are often confined to a dark, warm, and humid environment, where fungus can thrive. If toenail fungus is left untreated, it can spread to the surrounding skin of the foot and cause another condition known as athlete's foot. If you have a recently discovered toenail fungus or simply want a toenail fungus to go away, the best option is to visit a podiatrist as soon as possible. Ignoring toenail fungus harms you and the people around you, who can get the fungal infection.

Toenail fungus that goes untreated can lead to athlete's foot or cellulitis; the latter is a painful skin infection that can spread quickly if not treated promptly. The experts at Easton Dermatology Associates offer personalized treatments for your specific situation, whether you've just noticed an irregularity on your toenail or if you've been around for a while. fighting against fungus. Getting rid of toenail fungus can take several months because even nails that grow at an average rate do not grow quickly. This is the most serious outcome of an untreated toenail fungus, which can be avoided with treatment from a medical professional.

This can make it difficult to get rid of the fungus because the cells that make the rest of the toenail are infected...