Can you get rid of toenail fungus forever?

With treatment, many people can get rid of nail fungus. Even when the fungus goes away, the nails may look unhealthy until the infected nail grows. The fingernail grows in 4 to 6 months and the toenail grows in 12 to 18 months. Instead of medicines or debridement, Dr.

Frankel offers a laser therapy treatment with an 80% success rate to permanently treat nail fungus. It's painless and is done in the office with three 10-minute procedures every four weeks. For some patients, additional treatments may be required. You don't need to have brittle, discolored, and unhealthy nails forever.Toenail fungus is more treatable, perhaps even curable, than you think.

It's true that it can take a while to get rid of them, depending on the treatment you choose. To treat toenail fungus, apply oregano oil to the affected nail twice daily with a cotton swab. Some people use oregano oil and oil of tea tree together. It may not be worth paying the co-pay for nail fungus, but spending an hour in the office of a dermatologist or podiatrist can save you a lot of treatment time.

Fungal infections are more likely to occur on toenails than on fingernails, because toenails are often confined to a dark, warm, and humid environment inside shoes, where fungus can thrive. When it comes to over-the-counter products for toenail fungus, “it's probably not harmful to use these medications,” says Dr. There's no treatment for toenail trauma, other than removing your toenail may be an option if the nail hurts. While foot fungus is fairly easy to treat, toenail fungus is incredibly difficult to get rid of, and in some cases, it never goes away, says Sundling, noting that even the best oral medication is only up to 70 percent effective.

Home remedies may take longer to get rid of toenail fungus than prescription topical medications or oral systemic antifungals. Prescription oral antifungals, such as terbinafine (Lamisil) or fluconazole (Diflucan), are traditionally used to treat toenail fungus. Wearing shoes that are too small can damage the nail and make it more vulnerable to fungus, as can having a fungal infection on the skin of the foot (known as foot fungus or athlete's foot) and not treating it, which could expose the nail to fungus formation. Toenail fungus is very common. 14 percent of people suffer from it in North America, according to an article published in the journal PLoS Pathogens, and it's more common as you age, Sundling adds.

Home remedies may be more effective than prescription medicines in treating mild to moderate toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is a common condition that begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of the toenail. Although it's designed to suppress coughs, its active ingredients (camphor and eucalyptus oil) can help treat toenail fungus. Frankel offers its patients a painless laser therapy treatment that has a high success rate compared to other methods of treating nail fungus. While the Internet may suggest home treatments for less serious cases of nail fungus, the problem may worsen with inadequate treatment.

It occurs when a fungus, from mold to yeast and other types of fungi, enters the nail bed due to a cut or break in the nail or repeated trauma to the nail, and penetrates the nail itself, says Dr. Listerine. Mouthwash can help treat toenail fungus because it contains menthol, thymol, and eucalyptus, which have antibacterial and antifungal properties.